Lefèvre Fabrice
Description : Fabrice Lefèvre received a degree in electrical engineering from ENSEA-Cergy and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University Paris VI, Paris,
France, in 2000. He was appointed an Assistant Professor position at the University of Orsay, Paris XI, in 2001 where he worked in the Spoken Language Processing Group at LIMSI-CNRS. He joined the University of Avignon in 2005, and he is now Professor and head of the Vocal Interactions Group at LIA since 2010. He was an academic visitor in the Engineering Department of Cambridge University in 2009. His primary research activities include automatic speech recognition, speech understanding, stochastic machine translation and spoken dialog systems. He is the author/co-author of over 70 peer-reviewed papers for journals and conferences. He was involved in several European and US projects (CORETEX, AMITIES, EARS, LUNA and Classic). He participated in several international (NIST) and French (AUPELF, Technolangue) spoken language recognition and understanding system evaluation campaigns.
F. Lefevre is member of the International Speech Communication Association, member of IEEE, serves on the IEEE signal processing society, speech and language processing technical committee (SLTC) as an elected member (2012-16) and was cofounder of the French Spoken Communication Association (AFCP).
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